The Evaluation Phase

SMEs and consortia with at least one SME can still apply to ESMERA until December 2nd. After that, external experts will evaluate the submissions. Feedback is given to all applicants by February 28th. Here you can find more information about the evaluation process.

When the ESMERA deadline closes on December 2nd, a number of diverse and qualitatively high proposals will have been handed in. The ESMERA consortium works together with external experts who will finally evaluate the proposals. To proceed and be chosen into the next ESMERA phase (which means getting technical and mentoring support as well as up to 75.000 Euros per Experiment), three sections will be evaluated: Technical and Research Excellence, Expected Impact and the Implementation / Clarity of the Work Plan. Applicants can get up to 10 points in each of these areas. To proceed into the next phase, applicants need to pass all three areas with at least 6 out of 10 points. In total, a threshold of at least 21 points has to be achieved.

For the ESMERA second Open Call, applicants can either apply to one of the predefined challenges in one of the ESMERA challenge areas or come up with a challenge provider on their own. If an application addresses one of the predefined challenges, 2 extra points are granted.

For any questions concerning the ESMERA evaluation process, feel free to contact the ESMERA consortium.