Successful Brokerage Day in Madrid

23 participants from all over Europe came to Madrid on Tuesday, September 17th, to get informed about the Second Open Call within the ESMERA project. Until December 2nd, ESMERA looks for European SMEs interested in developing robotics solutions. They can receive funding of up to 200.000 Euros.

The ESMERA consortium invited to its first Brokerage Day within its Second Open Call. The session took place at the Valley Digital Business School in Madrid, a place sparking with innovation and technology. The objective of the Brokerage Day was to provide interested participants with all relevant information and to have potential applicants meet the ESMERA consortium in person as well as potential partners among each other. Therefore, the information day focused on networking sessions to connect SMEs, labs, companies and the ESMERA consortium with each other.

The session was moderated by representatives of the ESMERA project. Information was provided concerning the project itself, its background and objectives, its first open call with some respective results and concerning all application modalities for applying to the Second Open Call. Furthermore, Osman Er from Arcelik, a challenge provider from the first Open Call, shared his experiences of working with ESMERA so far. In an extensive Q&A and networking session, an intensive and productive dialogue was established between the participants and the consortium.

We would like to thank all participants for making this day productive and successful. We wish good luck with applying for ESMERA.

Click here to download the presentatin of the Brokerage Day: ESMERA Brokerage Day Presentation_Summary

Click here to download the video of the Brokerage Day presentations: coming soon.

If you could not participate in person: The ESMERA consortium is offering a pan-European webinar to interested participants. Dates and Details will be soon published on this website.