What does it take to create jobs and economic growth with EU-funded research projects? The ECHORD projects demonstrate how the EC supports creating commercial impact in robotics
In 10 years of research in robotics the EU-funded projects ECHORD and ECHORD++ have generated amazing results – not only in outstanding technology development but also in products that have already reached the market, leading to economic growth and job creation in Europe.
To present you the benefits of long-running EU-funded projects using ECHORD and ECHORD++ as an example, I would like to invite you to a breakfast at the European Parliament in Brussels on April 2nd, 2019 at 8 am (rue Wiertz 60, Brussels). This is an occasion for us to feel the robotics technology created and to get the spirit of successful industry-academia collaborations in robotics. After short presentations by the European Commission and the project consortium we will have the opportunity to take a close look at prototypes emerged from the projects and to discuss the future of robotics in Europe.
8:00 am: Welcome address by Pilar del Castillo
8:10 am: Dr. Khalil Rouhana, Deputy Director general at DG CONNECT: ECHORD and ECHORD++ — a success story
8:20 am: Prof. Dr. Alois Knoll (Technical University of Munich): A bridge to the future – how to transfer the concept of stakeholder engagement from robotics to artificial intelligence
8:30 am: Prof. Dr. Alberto Sanfeliu Cortés (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya): Robots in the underground
8:40 am: Prof. Dr. Christophe Leroux (CEA): Creating robotic ecosystems for open innovation
8:50 am – 9:30 am: Open discussion, touch & feel a robot for healthcare
For people coming from outside the Parliament: please confirm your participation with full name, date of birth and ID number by email to principa@in.tum.de